Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 3, 2017


Formative research:

  Sex education is still a sensitive topic in Asia. Although it has been considered to teach at some schools. However most of the lessons were still cursory and didn’t provide enough information.
   The age that they provide the lessons about sex education is around 13-15 which I think quite late. The target of those pedophile can be young kids around 5-10. So we need to let them know how to protect themselves from preschool period.

What is sex education?
  Sex education is a broad term used to describe education about human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, and other aspects of human sexual behavior
  For young children sex education is to teach them how to protect themselves from child sexual abuse

What is child sexual abuse?
  Any sexual activity between an adult and a child. Sometimes it can happen between children
  Inappropriate fondling, touching or kissing a child
  Exposing a child to pornographic materials or sexual acts
  Failure to protect a child from sexual advances

How does sex education is taught at school?
  Over in Singapore, they do have a sexuality education program, but not a sex education program. Pupils' parents are allowed to opt their children out of it. And frankly speaking the quality of it varies from school to school depending on the teacher handling the program. In some schools it's virtually non-existent. In some schools, they merged it into the Health Ed or P6 Post-PSLE program.
=> Its something more like a talk conducted by a doctor from some hospital more than a sex education lesson.
·      Meanwhile in Vietnam, they only mention about sex education in grade 8 through biology subject. There’re two or three lessons about it. The lessons are more about the various organs, functions and names and some sexually transmitted diseases.
=> Mostly teacher just teach it cursoryly or maybe skip it.

“Sex education here is non-existent. Besides it should be like that. Sex education is educated by peer bonding and gossip and general chitter chatter, sex education should not be done in a classroom because its kind of weird in that sense. Sex education is best discussed by a group of people of a similar age group.”

Consequences: child sexual abuse, teenager pregnancy and abortion.
Case study: Korean Movie “Hope” 2013
  Sex education is not only about sex, it’s about how to protect yourselves
  Start to teach children from young age, slowly but steady
  Be honest! Stork didn’t bring babies to their parents!
  Different ages curious about different issue of sex. Young children want to know more about pregnancy and how baby was born more than what is puberty

Interview questions:

1.     What do you think about child sexual abuse?
2.     Do you think sex education for young kid (like how to protect yourselves) is enough at school?
3.     What is the ideal age to teach children how to protect themselves?
4.     If there’s a book for children to learn how to protect themselves, what should be the content?
5.     Will you be shy to talk to your children about this problem?

6.     Should this book be taught at school? Or between children and parents?

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