Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 3, 2017

Iterative Method for my GP

I’ve use Iterative method to support my GP by consulting with lecturers. Different lecturer has different feedback and suggestion for my project. After each time consult with them I combine the comments and improve my works for next time. 

In my illustration book for kids I want to teach them about private body parts. So I decided to draw body of a boy and a girl. This is my first version of it.
After consult with teacher the first time, they said my illustration was too common. There was nothing special for the kids to remember about it. So I decided to change my character with different style. Here come my second version of it

At the second consultant with lecturers, I asked them whether I should take of the clothes of the character to teach about the private in clear and more intelligible way. Ms Peh said it was a good idea to take out the clothes but I had to be very careful, as my illustration will become more sensitive. I should interview some parents to see what were their feedbacks about it. I were thinking about changing my character into an animal. So that it would be friendlier to children and the parents wouldn’t feel so shy when they teach the children about it, too. Ms Zi Xi agreed it was a good idea, I should consider it.

This time my lectures were quite happy with my idea about using animal to illustrate human body parts. But Mr Den suggested me maybe I want to change the illustration style to my previous illustration style which were using gradient without outline for it. To add in, Ms Zi Xi suggested me to add in some background because currently the white background looked like a boring textbook. So this is my final illustration about the private body parts illustration.

By using iterative method, I’ve improved a lot in my project. After any feedback of my lecturers, I always try to change it by using new style of illustration or add in more idea for it. Imagine if my lecturers were real customers, they would suggested something that the customers were really looking for in a illustration book about sex education for their children. Looking back in my first illustration until the final page for this page, I’ve changed a lot of things. Without the feedback and suggestion from my lecturers, I wouldn’t have improved so far like this.

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